API hub

Use third-party inventories from suppliers worldwide. Tide’s API hub allows you to combine multiple external suppliers with ease.

Multi API aggregations with external suppliers:

Multi GDS integration


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Other services

API hub


Real-time packaging

Real-time search & book

Price calculations

Availability checks

Content mapping & geocoding

Pricing – Quotes – Bookings – Travel documents – Vouchers  – Portals

Supplier API's

Get access to multiple travel service providers while maintaining uniformity in user experience from within Tide.

Content mapping

Aggregate content from multiple sources.

Margin definitions

Set complex business rules and margins and for monitoring profitability. 

Currency definitions

Configure foreign currencies while hedging is supported.


Combine internal and external products into packages.


Tide detects the location of the hotel and dynamically creates packages.

Real-time search & book

Third-party inventories are instantly searchable and bookable with massive caching.


Configure handy upselling features to increase sales.


Powerful caching

Tide's caching system drastically increases website performance with fast search results.

Driving seat

Channel manager

Sell rooms online and manage your incoming bookings in real-time with full control of your buyer network and margins, commissions, currency exchange rates, etc.


Real-time packaging

Tide's packaging engine combines real-time availabilities and pricing for flights, accommodations, transfers, excursions, etc.

Partner up

Become an API integrating partner

Do you want to synchronize data between Tide and an external system? We can show you how. Let’s join forces to innovate the travel industry.

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